Grivance Redressal
The techno school has a sound and effective Grievance Redressal System in place to deal with the day to day grievance of different stake holders from their specific perspective and redress the grievance in time. The techno has framed three Grievance Redressal Forums with an aim to provide easy and readily accessible machinery for the prompt disposal of the day-to-day genuine grievances of the aggrieved community and prevail a sound and congenial academic atmosphere in the institution. On the basis of a written complaint, the Grievance Redressal Forum expedites prompt action to redress the grievances by sorting out the problems punctually and judiciously. The three Grievance Redressal Forums with sharply demarcated community segment are:
1. General Grievance Redressal Committee (G-GRC)
To Address Grievance and issues of community not falling under the following two specific segments.
2.Women Grievance Redressal Committee (W-GRC)
To Address Grievance and issues related to women students and staff members only.
3.SC & ST Grievance Redressal Committee (S-GRC)
1.To introduce a fair, impartial and an unbiased consistent mechanism for redressal of various issues of different aggrieved segments.
2.Encouraging the stakeholders to express their grievances /and issuesin a free and frank manner, without any fear of being victimized.
3.To develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders, thereby maintaining a harmonious academic atmosphere and congenial work environment in the institute.
4.To advise the stakeholders to respect the right and dignity of one another, and not to behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for whatsoever reason without consulting their superiors.
5.To ensure that the grievances are resolved promptly, impartially and with utmost confidentiality.
6.To uphold the dignity of the institute by promoting cordial inter-community relationship.
7.Advising stakeholders of the College to respect the right and dignity of one another.