SC/ST Grievance Redressal Cell
About SC/ST Grievance Redressal Committee.


Grievances Redressal Committee for SC/ST is formed in Gurukul Engineerig School, in order to claim accountability, reponsiveness, user-friendlyness and healthy working atmosphere amongst staff, students & parents. This Committee helps Students as well as employees to record their complaints and solve their problems related to academics, resources and personal grievances. Ragging Complaints will be handled as per the anti-ragging rules of Govt. of India Guidelines. Woman harassment complaints handled as per government guidelines by respective section

Members of the Committee

Sl NoNameDesignation
1T LAKXMI Principal(Chairman)
2Mr. RAVI THAKURDirector (T&P)
3Mr.J. N BEHERAConvener
4BIJAYA KUMAR JENAHOD Electrical (Member)
5Mr. GOUTAM MISHRAHOD Mechanical(Member)
6JOYTIRMYEEDepartment of Civil (Member)
7Mr. Ajay kumar RaviMember
8Mr. Debasish PanigrahiA.O(Member)
9One Student from Student CommitteeMember

Functions of the Committee

Grievance can be real or imaginary, and employees file grievances for a range of issues that can be minor or major.
1.Encouraging the SCs/STs employee/student to express their grievances freely and frankly without any fear of being victimized.
2.To entertain written and signed complaints and petitions of SCs/STs students/staff in respect of matters directly affecting them individually or as a group..
3.To ensure the grievances are registered and acknowledged promptly through a unique file identification number for future reference.
4.To enquire into the grievances, and make recommendations and report the concerned authorities.
5.To Monitor the progress of disposal of the grievance.
6.To ensure disposal of grievances within the time frame. If unsolved within the time frame the chairman of the committee will report to the ombudsman of the university.
7.To deal with every grievance in a fair manner.
8.To issue a reasoned and a speaking reply for every grievance rejected.
9.To recommend appropriate action against complainant, if allegations made in the documents are found to be baseless.
10.To collect the feedbacks from the complainant.
11.To monitor the publication of annual report.

Types Of Grievances

The victim is a member of a scheduled caste or a scheduled tribe against whom any of the following offences is committed by the offender:
1.Forced to eat or drink an offensive or uneatable substance.
2.Caused annoyance, injury or insult by any excreta or waste matter being dumped in his premises or neighborhood.
3.Paraded naked or with painted face or body.
4.Wrongfully deprived of cultivation of his land.
5.Wrongfully deprived of his rights over any land, premises or water.
6.Forced to do beggary or work as a bonded labourer.
7.Prevented from exercising his right to vote or according to his wishes.
8.Subjected to false legal proceedings.
9.Caused injury or annoyance by a public servant on the basis of false information given to him.
10.Deliberately insulted and humiliated in public view.
11.A woman who is sexually assaulted.
12.Deprived of his right to clean drinking water.
13.Deprived of his right of passage to a public place.
14.Forced to leave his house or village.
15.Falsely implicated in a criminal case which might result in his imprisonment or execution.
16.Intended harm or injury by burning a place of his dwelling or worshi.
17.Wrongfully caused injury or subjected to any other offence by a public servant.

Lodging And Redressal Procedure

StepsReporting of GrievanceWhom to Report / maintained byTime frame for DisposalReport toCheck/Control Point
Step IWritten Grievance by the complainantGrievance to be submitted to the SPOC/Co-ordinatorIf needed be reported to the chairman of the CommitteeDirector of the Institute to check the Grievance Register at least once in a month.
Step IIGrievance Register is to be maintained indicating the name of the complainant, date of receipt of complaint, subject matter, Complaint No., date of disposal and remarks column.The report is to be maintained by any member of the Committee24 hrsTo be reported to the Coordinator of the Committee lonce in a month.
Step IIIHearing of the Grievance/ Getting to know the problemMembers of the Committee2 working daysCommittee is to submit report to the chairmanonce in a month.
Step IVCommunicating the decision to the complainant in writing and getting the signature in office copyThe decision of the committee is to be communicated to the DirectorWithin 6 working daysReport to the director of the institution.once in a month.
Step VIf complainant is not satisfied he/she has a right to appeal in writing against the decision of the CommitteeThe appeal can be sent to the Ombudsman of the UniversityAppeal should be sent within six working days of the said decisionThe decision will be communicated to the Director of the institute