Chairman's Message

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Sarat Chandra Routray

Life is precious but it never grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined. Knowledge of our duties is more essential part of the philosophy of life. Knowledge is a wealth that empowers like none other. And we are here to spread this wealth to all. I welcome you all to The Techno Group of Institutions.                                                                                     At TGOI, we lead by a simple philosophy – to impart quality education to all. We are dedicated to inculcate in every student an all round development, with a strong focus on ethical conduct, discipline and responsibility to the society. Our commitment to excellence helps us set outstanding teaching standards. At TGOI, we mould every student into competent and successful individuals. We are proud of our philosophy and we will constantly Endeavour to create an exceptional educational institution.                                                                   With a sense of pride and privileges I would like to bring in the knowledge of the students, parents and general public that The TECHNO Group of Institutions Established in the year 1999 marched forward without looking back, has proved a beckon to knowledge seeker not only all over the Odisha but also across pan India . I am immensely happy that with total dedication and commitment from the management and sincere involvement of the Head of the Institutions and the faculty members, the institutions could produce excellent academic result in every stream of educational programs.                                                                          To embark on a journey of success one needs the tools of preparedness, foresight and strategy. These lead to the path of growth and highly quality operation. We give utmost care to develop over all personality of the students. It is important to become good human being first and an excellent professional next. I wish that you ascend from peak to peak in all your endeavors in life.                                                                                                               I sincerely appeal to students and parents to visit our institution, so that one can make self assessment to select the best. I welcome with warm feeling every one of you to join with us to build-up excellent academic lifestyle. I assure that TGOI will re-dedicate itself towards its commitments and strive for continuous growth.

 “Young and vibrant minds, it is sure, will blossom in this campus into successful engineers of tomorrow. You are welcome to join the institute to be thus groomed.”